A Letter to the Ardorology Family

A Letter to the Ardorology Family

Dear you,

Through this company, I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with thousands of amazing souls on social media, through my website, and in person. I’m eternally grateful for the kind words, the words of encouragement, and beautiful prayers for Ardorology’s success. I am especially thankful to the brave and strong women that opened up to a complete stranger with their troubles and fears.

To those women, I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten. I haven’t forgotten reading your messages and feeling incredibly humbled that our jewelry gave you a small bit of hope and peace for your trails.

I want you to know I haven’t forgotten a single story and I mean a single one. So to each of you I say-

I hope you are blessed with that beautiful baby
I hope your mental health flourishes
I hope you marry the love of your life
I hope your loved ones are safe in war-torn lands
I hope you continue to always feel at peace
I hope you continue being that fearless healthcare provider
I hope, I hope, I hope.
I hope all your dreams come true and more

Happy New Year Ardorology family. May 2022 bring you the blessings you once thought impossible and all the happiness in the world. 






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